Sunday, September 24, 2023

EEK the Leek!!!

 Stacey sent me the cutest little zombie leek ever!!!  

Then to top it all off, she sent me a big box o’ goodies (and coooookies)  that are AMAZING!!

This skeleton sits a top my boooffffet  menu

And a big picture of all the goodies!

Thank you so much for my amazing swap Stacey!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Zombie Burger . . .

This zombie burger is incredible!!!!!
I walked by him yesterday morning and 
laughed.  How can something so weird 
looking be so cute!
Thank you Kerry!  I love it!
Opening this package was half the fun!
I only wish my granddaughter Avery had been here - she loves
opening my zombie packages.

So many fun tuck-ins!
I love our zombie doll swaps!
Happy Halloween!