Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thank you Clare

 Jeanne asked my helping posting a thank you to Clare!

This zombie package is beyond AMAZING!!! Check out the pics!!! 

The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  I bet Linus didn't anticipate this guy!

fun tuck ins!!!

a close up of the face, the crown is removable.....but HOW did you make those TEETH!????



Clare said...

I so hope you like him Jeanne. He was really fun to make. The teeth have become a joke in our house. I ordered a set of resin teeth on Amazon . . . because if you make zombie dolls - you never know when you may need teeth. :) I was walking through the house one day with this box of teeth - and my husband (who is used to my weirdness) gave me a look and asked me, "Do you actually have a box of teeth? . . . and why?" The look on his face was priceless.
Thanks as always Val for hosting this fun swap!

jillytacy said...

This is awesome! I love the teeth!