I added sequins.
I added beads.
I added teeny tiny antennae and...
I painted.
I painted dots.
I painted a face and a cape and....oops.....
I'm officially stumped, this theme is tougher than I thought it would be.
back to the ladybug drawing board....thank goodness I had the sense not to swap this month!!!!
i agree, it is hard. I've been googling lady bug things, and have not come up with anything yet. At least we have at least 10 more days.
How about a small lady bug mosaic? You could do one with paper and modge podge it if the traditional tiles would be too heavy. How about a sweet crocheted little ladybug or alter something to look like a ladybug.
I have a few ideas but just need the time to try them out. Next week I'll have time.
I have a few ideas - next week will be ladybug week. As Gin says, luckily we still have 10 more days:-)
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