Sunday, June 16, 2024

Thank you Debbie for this amazing Mather Nature Zombie. Created on an armature, she is poseable and can stand on her own. She can even hold a basket.

The details are amazing! Look in the folds of her dress...

The basket is deceptively cute...there are skulls(brains) for later stashed among the flowers!
Debbie made an amazing mother nature zombie! I'm thrilled to add it to my zombie horde.

Look at all of the amazing goodies. Trims, fabric, ephemera for mixed media crafting. I LOVE all of it! Debbie and I have opposite creative styles for zombies. I try to make creepy but they are always cute and Debbie makes wonderful creepy zombies. Debby really nailed this Mother Nature zombie for me. It's a great mix of zombie wounds, and bloodied up bits without being scary. I love it!
Debbie, thank you for such an amazing zombie and package! You are so talented!


Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Y’all, could you hear me SQUEALING?   I am so in love with my Bongo Bigfoot!!!!

Kerry simply outdid herself (again!)

Not only is Bongo amazing but she used tuckins to wrap tuckins!!! The fabric was the wrapping of this wonderful assortment of gardening, sewing and crochet goodies! 

He is COVERED in the softest fluffy hair ever!
Lookit dem chompers 
And da feetsis! The toenails😂
Fiona wants him.  NO!!!
This guy even had a little poem!

Kerry, THANK YOU!!!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thank you Clare

 Jeanne asked my helping posting a thank you to Clare!

This zombie package is beyond AMAZING!!! Check out the pics!!! 

The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  I bet Linus didn't anticipate this guy!

fun tuck ins!!!

a close up of the face, the crown is removable.....but HOW did you make those TEETH!????


Monday, June 10, 2024

Here comes Easter Bunny zombie . . . .

When I added the Easter Bunny on my list - I made the comment that the Easter Bunny is a little creepy anyway . . . this zombie Easter Bunny is creepy . . . and cute . . . and perfect!
Meet . . . Mrs. Cottontail!  Jeanne include this poem (sung to the tune of Here Comes Peter Cottontail.

Here come Mrs. Cotton tail,
Stumbling down the bunny trail,
Weaving, wheezing, off to ruin the day!

Eating every girl and boy.
Taking all their little toys.
That'll teach Peter NOT to roll in the hay!!!

She has bunny slippers . . . and carries a head with her.
I LOVE THIS ZOMBIE! . . . and all the wonderful tuck ins.
That skeleton rat is sitting on a box that opens like a book.

I believe the "Stay Weird" sign in the background is appropriate.
Stay Weird ladies!
Thank you Jeanne!  

Jack Frost! Thank you Jill!!


Thank you  Jill for the amazing Jack Frost Zombie. He is wonderful, not additional blood needed LOL He is perfect just as he is! Maybe the cute gene didn't completely skip me! 

Jill sent this adorable zombie (who knew those words could be said together) along with some really fun goodies. 

LOVE these coasters

Such a great box of goodies. Getting this made my day. I love every bit of it. 

Thank you Jill, you made my day.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

 Val outdid herself yet again !!!

Look at this super cute Cupid - he gives me sweet hair model meets surfer dude vibes, and I couldn't love him more!!! That little leg flick he has going on - he's stolen my heart for sure.

Those who have ever been lucky enough to receive one of Val's zombies will also know that she is one talented poet!!! She has poem writing talent that I could only dream of having.

She spoilt me with the tuck ins she sent too. She indulged my Pioneer Woman obsession with some little bowls, some pretty wax paper (I haven't seen it before and can't wait to use it), and a skein of PW yarn which will be keeping my hands busy during my 9 hour flight coming up soon.
She also sent me some scissors - who ever can have enough of those, a cute pen, some recipe cards, and a pack of felt ... I love making felt ornaments for my tiered trays and holiday trees.

Flowers - one of life's pure joys for me, and when they're paired with a pretty little pitcher, well we're then talking perfection!! Val included this pretty little pitcher for me to fill and enjoy!!!

Thank you SO much Val for all my goodies - you brightened my day for sure!!! 
Thank you also for all the time and love you put into organizing our Zombie Swaps ... you really are the ZOMBIE QUEEN, and we appreciate you so very much.