Sunday, October 2, 2011

Angels . . .

Thank you Little Messy Missy!  My seed package is awesome ----ANGEL TRUMPETS.
You could not have chosen a better seed for me. My cousin has 2 beautiful angel trumpet bushes that are always beautiful. I never thought of getting seeds from her. I have my own seeds now..

And such a pretty beaded braclet, tags, mini punch, and paint, and sorry but the Utah chocolate was melted (we still have 90 something degree weather). And she hand painted a card with angel trumpet blooms.

My ornament is a replica seed pod of a trumpet with hand painted blooms on it.
Thank you Missy, you are an angel.


val said...

wow, this is lovely

Little Messy Missy said...

Real seed pod...I just dried it first. So glad you liked it, sorry the chocolate melted.

gin said...

oh, ok a real seed pod. It's gorgeous. Can't wait to plant my seeds and get me some blooms. Thank you again.