Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I just finished my activity for this month.

I read the book "The Trumpet of the Swan" by E.B.White. is a kid's book but I'm really glad I reread it. It was one of the books I really loved as a child and rereading it as an adult gave me goose bumps (swan bumps?)

If you read it with your children, pay close attention to the freedom Sam has in the book.....I remember that too. Adults didn't have to hover over their children at every turn like they do now.

I've sent off my swan to my partner....and now I'm thinking of NOVEMBER!!!!


jillytacy said...

I read this book a couple of years ago. I loved Charlotte's Web as a kid but had never read Stuart Little or the Trumpet of the Swan so I read both.

gin said...

Iloved that story too.