Some are quite this one from Family Fun magazine...

and others are more elaborate

There is a TON of information on creating fairy houses on the web, Here is just one tutorial... you shouldn't have any difficulty finding things to spark your creativity! (Many are made by altering inexpensive birdhouses from craft is a link to a place that sells completed ones...for inspiration only of course!
After creating your fairy house, furnish it will a few little lovelies. Use an old place mat as the floor. Add a toadstool to perch on, and a flower for a bed.
Maybe a firefly to light the way.
Then, find a lovely place in the garden for it. Or on your patio, balcony, wherever!
Fairies fly, ya know! Ours will most likely be placed in a large planter so Mojo doesn't accidentally 'sprinkle' on it while watering the yard...ahem...
As an alternative you could make a sweet little felt fairy house like this is the tutorial.