A very disgruntled husband got out of bed and let me know "that this gnome thing has gone way too far.." (note to husband, 'oh, we haven't even gotten started yet..")
Once he left, I shut the door and Gaylord and I had a heart to gnome.
"it is really rude to spy on people when they are sleeping." I told him...
"Was'nt spying." he croaked right back
I just gave him the evil eye...."well?"
"I was aspiring to greater heights."
"oh good lord." I said to him
"A gnome's gotta do what a gnomes gotta do when he aint got no
"Iknow, I know, NO FEET!" I interrupted, " and I am sick of hearing about your lack of feet!!!!"
Aspire to this precious.......Moohaha......
cute post!
I think you've found the one to tame your mouthy gnome:-)
It's hard to believe that something that looks that cute, could be so mischievious!!!!
This is a crack up!!!
ha! I bet THAT shut him up. Pretty sonn he won't have a head to go with the 'no feet' he has been fussing about!
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