Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I want my zombie doll . . . "NOW"!

Veruca Salt arrived yesterday! Thank you Stacey!  I love her!.
I am always so excited when my zombie package arrives.  
Veruca was packed in an Amazon box and I was expecting a delivery from Amazon . . . so what a surprise when I  opened the box expecting a skirt and a sweatshirt . . . and there was Veruca and her golden egg laying goose!!!

Veruca was wrapped up like this!
You have to love a zombie doll package!
Stacey also included this skeleton cookie that she made.
I hate to eat him! 
I shared an arm with my mom last night.  
She got such a kick out of the package and eating the cookie.  :) 
We both agreed that the cookie was delicious. 

So many Halloween goodies.  
There is a great skeleton zipped case in that stack 
which will probably now hold some of my doll making supplies  
Thanks again Stacey . . . and thanks to Val for hosting this fun swap!


ksuscrapper said...

Oh man!! I see some broken cookies! So frustrating! I am so glad you like everything!! I loved making her!!💕💕

Yarni Gras! said...

THAT GLORIOUS HAIR! Hahaha, I'm loving this doll too much! And the GOOSE!!!

Clare said...

A couple of broken bones . . . but they taste delicious!!!!!!